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Group Leads

Profile photo of Trey Porto

Trey Porto

NIST Physicist

Profile Photo of Steve Rolston

Steve Rolston


Postdoctoral Researchers

  • Madison Anderson

    Madison Anderson

    Postdoctoral Researcher

Graduate Students

  • Profile photo of Patrick Banner

    Patrick Banner

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Carlos Bracamontes Palma

    Carlos Bracamontes Palma

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Yulong Dong

    Yulong Dong

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Deniz Kurdak

    Deniz Kurdak

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Yaxin Li

    Yaxin Li

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Sarthak Subhankar

    Sarthak Subhankar

    Graduate Student

  • Photo of Tsz-Chun Tsui

    Tsz-Chun Tsui

    Graduate Student

  • Juntian "Oliver" Tu

    Oliver Tu

  • Graduate Student

Undergraduate Students

  • Deven Bowman

    Deven Bowman

  • Sonja Hakala

    Sonja Hakala

    Undergraduate Student

  • Jade LeSchack

    Jade LeSchack


  • Madison Anderson

    Graduate Student

  • Photo of Pierre Bataille

    Pierre Bataille

  • Profile photo of Thomas Boulier

    Thomas Boulier

    Postdoctoral Researcher

  • Profile photo of Roger Brown

    Roger Brown

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Alexander Craddock

    Alexander Craddock

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Elizabeth Goldschmidt

    Elizabeth Goldschmidt

    JQI Affiliate, Research Scientist

  • Profile photo of Brandon Grinkemeyer

    Brandon Grinkemeyer

  • Profile photo of AJ Hachtel

    AJ Hachtel

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Creston Herold

    Creston Herold

    Postdoctoral Researcher

  • Profile photo of Silvio Koller

    Silvio Koller

  • Profile photo of Xiao (Sean) Li

    Xiao (Sean) Li

    Postdoctoral Researcher

  • Profile photo of Mary Lyon

    Mary Lyon

    Postdoctoral Researcher

  • Profile photo of Eric Magnon

    Eric Magnan

    Graduate Student

  • Photo of James Maslek

    James Maslek

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of David Norris

    David Norris

    Postdoctoral Fellow

  • Postdoctoral Fellow

  • Profile photo of Dalia Ornelas

    Dalia Ornelas-Huerta

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Joe Tiamsuphat

    Joe Tiamsuphat

    Graduate Student

  • Profile photo of Varun Vaidya

    Varun Vaidya

  • Profile photo of Yang Wang

    Yang Wang

    Postdoctoral Researcher

  • Profile photo of Bob Wyllie

    Bob Wyllie

  • Profile photo of Daniel Ohl de Mello

    Daniel Ohl de Mello